Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Infrastructure and Roles in an organization


Infrastructure of an organization depends largely on the size of the organization and the nature of operations. For example, a large organization may have good physical environment and amenities, compared to small scale organization.

Similarly, an organization which is involved in software development and consultancy, would in all probability, have good infrastructure compared to an organization whose operations involve mainly end-user support and retailing and distribution of products.

Infrastructure not only covers the physical attributes like the office space, the decor, the hardware and the software platform available. it could also include manpower resources, financial resources, etc.

Many students, who join their first job, are invariably influenced by the available infrastructure in the organization. Care should be taken to evaluate the other aspects also. For example, an organization may not look physically impressive, but may offer immense learning opportunities and valuable experience in emerging technologies.

Roles in an organization

There are several roles available in the IT industry, However, in real life situation, one may not often get a clear cut role or clearly defined activities for the role. Roles often have a main focus and supplementary or additional objectives. For Example, a marketing executive may have his main focus as sales, but may have other tasks like giving  demonstrations, generating reports and vendor management for advertising and marketing.

Often, one may be required to simultaneously take up two or more roles, or take up different roles over a period of time.

For example, a person taken as a programmer, may also have to do maintenance programming, documentation, user training, giving demonstrations, trouble shooting, etc. it is also common that one is given different roles, periodically. In either case, it is not the role or the clarity of role that is important, but the fact that every role provides opportunities for learning and gaining experience and contributing to the organization.

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