Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reasons to Suspect Manic Depression

There are so many terms thrown around with depression and it starts to get very confusing in a short amount of time.  They often assume that there is just one type of depression and don't realize that not only are there different types of depression but it can affect people in different ways and various degrees.  One thing they are often confused about is manic depression, not realizing the many symptoms that are involved.  Depression is not simply an extreme form of depression the way one might think, but involves a wide variety of symptoms.

Many use the term bipolar disorder when speaking of manic depression and the two are the same condition.  As the word bipolar would suggest, there are two extremes in emotions and feelings when a person suffer from this condition.There are different forms that depression takes in everyone since we are all unique individuals and no two brains work alike.  With manic depression a sufferer experiences feelings of mania which is an energetic, almost euphoric state.  This isn't just regular energy that one would get after a good night's sleep or when you're in a good mood but is unbalanced and at times almost dangerous.  A person experiencing a manic state might talk endlessly or do things that aren't logical, such as paint their living room a bright bold color based on a sudden whim.  They may wake their children in the middle of the night to play or get a sudden urge to clean all their closets and cupboards.  While these things may not seem dangerous, extreme forms of manic depression may make the person feel invincible and cause them to do something dangerous, such as crawl on their roof or drive at high speeds.  The mania may also make them more angry than dangerous, and these bursts of anger can be taken out on their children or other family members.

The other side of Manic Depression is the depressive state that affects a patient more than other depressive states.  Their depression is extreme and may cause them to stay in bed for days at a time, to neglect their own children and even their own hygiene and personal care.  Their depression may reach a state where they are even suicidal, wondering "what's the point?" no matter what they're doing or experiencing.Its very difficult to deal with this kind of depression along with manic depression because things change on a daily basis or even hourly basis.  They may assume they've just worn themselves out with the activities during the manic state.

It is important to note that when someone has Manic Depression it needs to be faced head on and not ignored.  Anyone experiencing these wild mood swings would do well to pay attention to their own actions and if they are out of balance, they need to speak to a doctor immediately.  This disease can be treated with medication and sometimes even having an accurate diagnosis is a big help as well, but a person with manic depression should speak to a doctor rather than simply trying to treat or cope with it on their own.


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