Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crafting the Perfect Barbeque Pit

            Cavemen weren’t always barbaric in their daily lives, between gathering food and knocking one and other over with big sticks they utilized the outdoor oven known as at barbeque pit. Our cave brothers knew what they were doing when they smoked turkey and chickens over the hot coals of the pit, they were unknowingly crafting a cooking method still utilized today. The barbeque pit is a great way to cook food, gather with friends, and create some spice to that boring yard of yours.


            Barbeque pits are traditionally used by restaurants, cooking enthusiasts, and outdoorsmen, but they are becoming more popular in our backyards. The location of the barbeque pit is the first essential ingredient to making this outdoor oven work for you and your family. I wouldn’t recommend putting the barbeque pit in your front yard if you live on a busy street, the next door neighbors might think you’re trying to send smoke signals to the sky for rescue. Then again if you live on a farm, or ranch, a front yard barbeque pit might be just what the doctor ordered. The most logical way to pick a location for the barbeque pit is away from leaves, trees, and anything that can catch on fire. That being said it can also be a trendy looking landmark if you put it in the center of your backyard, as long as the pit won’t cause anything near it to catch fire.


            Once you have selected the perfect location for your barbeque pit, it’s time to start digging. Typically you would want to dig about 5 feet into the ground, and create a circle big enough to house whatever size metal grill you will be topping your pit off with. Once the hole is dug you want to line it with wood, or charcoals of your choice. Be sure to choose the correct wood or coals because this is what will generate that smoked flavor. Many wood fanatics go for hickory or oak woods to burn in their pits, while charcoal is usually basic grocery bought coals.


            You don’t need a toga and a wooden club to be able to cook on your new barbeque pit. Many get the idea that Neanderthal ovens are meant for Neanderthal foods, this is not the case. Feel free to toss on some vegan burgers, or exotic tilapia fish. Whatever is your delight will be cooked to perfection on your in ground barbeque pit.


            The final step is making the pit a family friendly by adding wooden stools in a circular fashion a few feet back from the pit. This will take roasting marshmallows to the next level.

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