Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saturated Fats Block The Absorption Of Essential Fatty Acids In The Body

A deficiency in essential fatty acids can be linked to many ailments.  When the body lacks linoleic acid in the diet, adverse symptoms result.  Such symptoms include: acne, changes in personality or behavior, gallbladder dysfunction, slow healing wounds, cardiovascular problems, prostate inflammation, thirst due to excessive perspiration, arthritis, miscarriage, poor growth, kidney problems, muscle tremors, skin disorders, and sterility in males.  Low contents or a lack of linolenic acid in the diet can also cause many adverse symptoms.  These symptoms include poor growth, learning disability, tingling in the extremities, impaired motor coordination, and poor vision. 

When adequate amounts of dietary fatty acids are obtained in the deficient person, adverse symptoms will disappear.  Unfortunately, long-term deficiencies of essential fatty acids can eventually lead to death.  Because the human body requires forty-five known essential nutrients and requires linoleic acid more than any other, researchers estimate that the body needs at least three to six grams a day of linoleic acid in order to prevent deficiency symptoms.  This is equivalent to one to two percent of your daily caloric intake.

However, a much larger amount can be helpful to encourage and preserve optimum health.  Although the requirements are different for each person, factors such as stress, diet, and amount of physical activity that is engaged in daily must be taken into account.  For example, an obese person who eats a lot of saturated fats will need a lot more EFA's than a thin person who is cautious about the amount of saturated fats that are included in their diet.  Saturated fats interfere with the absorption and metabolism of linoleic acid.

A well-balanced diet will include primary nutrients such as vitamins B3, B6, C, zinc, and vitamin A.  This will help the body to utilize essential fatty acids much more efficiently.  It should be mentioned that the ability of lipids to hold high levels of oxygen has negative effects for those who are obese.  By having increased oxygen in fat reserves, one can experience lipid oxidation, which leads to free radical formation, which in turn increases many tissue pathologies.  In order to avoid this process, a diet or supplementation that is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E is encouraged.  Many factors can get in the way of fatty acid metabolism.  These include a diet that is high in saturated fats and cholesterol, aging, alcohol, high blood sugar, viral infections, and aspirin use. 

It is recommended that people stay away from fats that have been altered from their normal, health-giving state to the point in which they actually cause damage to the cells of the body.  In an ideal state, a person who is health conscious will avoid any foods that are deep-fried, as they are especially dangerous to the human body.  However, because we are all humans, it is almost impossible to eat a perfect diet in this day and age.

Therefore, taking an essential fatty acid supplement is a great idea that is recommended by many health experts to offset the damage that is often done to your body by consuming the unwanted, yet inevitable, bad fats.  Essential fatty acids can regulate hormone production in the body and stabilize ones emotional state if it is due to a hormone imbalance.   Have you had your essential fatty acids today?

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