Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stop Smoking By Trying This Method

Nicotine addiction is very similar to addiction to drugs such as cocaine or heroine except that the body wants to naturally reject nicotine from the system and quitting smoking can lead to a very quick return to almost a normal functioning body. A smoker may argue against that statement but consider contracting cancer because of your habit and you will begin to consider quitting. There are easy ways to quit smoking and most smokers seek the easiest route they can find just make sure that whichever method you select has a history of success with other people. The alternative therapy market is awash with pills and potions but hypnosis offers a speedy way to break the smoking habit with no side effects whatsoever. If you want to reduce the craving for nicotine quickly many people would recommend hypnosis as the only successful therapy to use add to that the growing number of medical practitioners who also recommend hypnosis it has to be considered if you want too break the habit. The result of this is that hypnosis is finding a place in the education of individuals as to the danger of smoking and providing an escape that appears to take little effort.

There are numerous sites selling a variety of hypnosis and self hypnosis products on the Internet the best we can recommend is Purely Hypnosis , CD's which is devoted to helping people kick the habit. There are many people that buy them and say they feel better. Users of the recommeded site include Jeraldine Saunders (the Creator of the 'Love Boat' TV series and Tom Mankiewcz the writer of 'Superman the Movie'. Maybe you've seen some shows where people get hypnotized and bark like a dog or any other animal, do not worry you will never act like this under self hypnosis. The great thing about hypnosis is the feeling of total relaxation and peace one feels.

You may feel you have left no stone unturned in your quest to stop smoking however have you tried hypnosis whether it is through a professionally trained practitioner or through self hypnosis techniques it can prove to be very powerful in helping you break your habit.Mysticism has not been fully researched by the scientific community other than it treats the being in a holistic way, so to use mysticism to help you stop smoking would need sessions spread over a very long period. You can search for opinions on the Internet and you will find that many share my opinion that hypnosis and self hypnosis in their own right when used correctly have no side effects. There are a number of self trained people who say they can help you stop smoking, make sure they are fully qualified and belong to a professional organisation for the therapy you select. Hypnosis whether through a qualified practioner of through self hypnosis used to quit smoking may work as it is said to eliminate the desire to smoke from the most inner levels of the subconscious, and when used in conjuction with any of the other aids such as gum, patches or lozenges, can prove to be very powerful. This is how you can learn the easy way to stop smokingin 17 Days or less by ex 70-a-day-smoker David Dutch

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