Are there any differences in various credit cards? Find out the different types of credit cards available before you check out the deals offered by different banks and merchants. It is then easier to choose a suitable credit card.
Those who need to spend on entertainment for clients or travel on short notices will require more funds and it is difficult if you have a fixed spending limit. Charge cards will be useful to you as they do not have credit limits for your spending. They offer short term loans which have no penalties if you pay off in full every month. American Express and Diners Cards are such travel and entertainment cards. American Express has other payments options available for you to make your payments over a longer period of time. Due to the different schemes available, some people may use the terms interchangeably, but these two are basically different.
The second type of major cards is the credit card we are familiar with. The main credit card companies are Visa and Master Cards, and they work together with banks to issue the credit cards to the consumer. The banks will determine the spending limit on your cards based on your income level. Different terms and conditions apply to different types of cards. It is up to you to decide whether to pay the full amount each month, or just pay the minimum amount the bank has asked for, but you have to pay hefty interest charges on the money you rollover. This may add up to quite a large sum due to the high interest rates as these are unsecured loans.
Business Credit Cards are the next type of cards. For those with small businesess, they may apply for business credit cards, even though these cards are not exclusive to them. These cards tend to have lower interest rates and higher spending limits. Small businesses with cash flow issues will be able to tide over tough times easily because there are extensions to the payments.
Last but not least, various big companies offer retail store cards. Such cards are issued by shopping malls and other retail stores, or we have fleet cards, for various fuel purchases as well. Due to the numerous retail store cards, the terms and conditions are quite different. Only certain countries accept such cards.
You can select what type of cards, such as charge cards, credit cards, business credit cards and retail store cards, gives the best options for your needs since there are so many different types of terms and conditions and methods of payment.
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